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Street Project Update 9/18/2023

City of Wamego News Image

9/18/2023 4:51:00 PM

As we have gotten into the project it has become clear that, due to the necessary utility updates, it will be more efficient to complete full streets at a time, instead of splitting the work into different phases. That being said the updated timeline is as follows: Vine (4th-6th) August 21, 2023- May 2024; Vine (6th-8th) October 8th, 2023- May 2024; Chestnut (4th-6th) January 2024- September 2024; Chestnut (6th-8th) February 2024-Septemeber 2024. Look for updates on Walnut Street and Spruce Street in the summer of 2024.

Category Street Updates
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